
Version 2017-01-23 (latest)

Source and controller: Tietoevry Norway AS

Property Register overview

In the Property Register API (Norwegian: Eiendomsregisteret) you find information about judicial property data, address information, and property ownership in Norway updated every day with official data from Kartverket (the Norwegian Mapping Autohority).

The Property Register API is managed by Tietoevry Data Services, and contains information from both the Land Registry (Norwegian: Grunnbok) and Cadastre (Norwegian: Matrikkel). The Land Registry is a public register which contains officially registered liens (Norwegian: tinglyste rettigheter) and encumbrance on real estate and condominium units (Norwegian: Borettslagsandeler). The Cadastre is Norway’s official registry for properties.

Included in the Property Register (Eiendomsregisteret) is information on:

  • Encumbrance
  • Titleholder (Norwegian: hjemmel)
  • Base data (Norwegian: grunndata)
  • Holding agreement (Norwegian: festeavtale)
  • Property data
  • Addresses
  • House and building information

Please note that all API calls and responses are in Norwegian, so knowledge of this language is definitely an advantage.

For more details, visit our service information page, Eiendomsregisteret (Norwegian only)

Last update: January 23, 2017

Latest version: 2017-01-23

Affected regions: